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Old 11-07-2007, 11:31 PM
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I have had the touch for several days now, still have my Mogul, for a few days. Here is what I found and think:
The lack of KB isn't that bad, I do miss it a little, but for the most part I use the transcriber, used it on the Mogul, and even better on the Touch.
I do miss the wifi, but evdo is fast, if rev A ever shows even better.
Would like a flash, but the RAM is so much better, it makes up for it.

My only questin is, I don't see an IR port, but it does have the option to send/recieve a beam, any info?
Yo its just me, from STL.
Prior Phones: Treo 700p, Treo 650, A800, Mogul, Touch, Touch Pro, Palm Pro, Touch Pro 2,.........................EVO