Originally Posted by jptouch
1st off I'm going to say that I work at a Sprint store and I do pay for the insurance on my TP2. Yes it is a $100 deductible to Asurion because of the type of phone you have. Just to let you know that most people dont know and what we dont really bring up is you have a 1 year warranty that we will cover through a repair center long as there is not water damage, physcial damage (scratches are ok), or lost or stolen, which we just started in April. Which by the way is the only reason you would have to spend the $100 deductible if one of these situations happened. Hope I helped.
Yup and what happends is if they can't fix it they give you a new one well yes a refurb but same thing you get from insureon.I had a pro and they changed it out but as you said it is if there is no water damage.So what the tep gives you is if you get water damage or lose it then you can get another one but the 100$ plus the 7$ if you think about it you will be able to get refurbs off ebay for about 250$ to 275$ once this phoine has been out awhile and if you did not lose the phone they sell like i said in another post for 50$ or more on ebay even not working.
So really if you make it past 3 months you are not saving a lot when by that time you would have paid 21$ and then 100$ so 121$ if you lose it and by then this phone will be 250$ on ebay for a refurb.