Possible relief for the d-pad and bt issues w/2.16 ROM
This is very early in trial stages, but 8notime "touched" the survace of this fix before jumping ship to the new Touch. He found that the bt and d-pad performance issues were greatly reduced by running the SBSH PhoneWeaver application. I downloaded the trial and, behold! Not one single freeze or d-pad lock-up and my bluetooth has been turned on the whole time. I have two routes that I can drive to work. One takes me through a Verizon and an Alltel exclusively branded coverage areas and the other takes me through two GSM branded areas without EVDO (obviously). I have driven both ways since yesterday and, still, no freezes or bt problems or d-pad lock-ups.
All the glory for this find should go to 8notime. There are a couple of us who are reporting on the success. I am not, by any means, endorsing this. Anybody interested might just want to give it a try, though. I don't mess with any of the settings. Just install it an leave it in the "Day" profile with bt turned on from the today plugin. Good luck!
........ and the moral of the story is: "you can't have a drink on the house"