Originally Posted by tcbusch
I added a fix to my weatherpanel hourly fix to migrate the old 24 hour data to the new 12 hour data. This may not help if weather data is never 24 hours.
As some of you might know there are a couple of versions of the weatherpanel hourly data fix. One of these fixes is posted at the beginning of this thread. I also created a fix to the hourly data different than what is on this thread. My goal was to never have my graphs blank out when weatherpanel updated.
Here is a link to a weatherpanel forums site that I posted my fix if you are interest click here.
Is this the same fix that is included in the WeatherPanel_2009.cab that is posted in the first post of this thread? I also have sometimes 12-hr and at times, 24-hr data on my graph with that cab installed.