Originally Posted by jethro_static
If U read some thread about verizon to sprint or vice versa
or vice versa??? you cant put a non sprint phone on sprint... not offically or through sprint atleast... youd have to hack it on, if anything.. sprint doesnt allow non brabded devices...
Verizon kinda stopped this a few months ago... its gotten increasingly harder if you read around... theres always new threads where people got declined by vzw to put their sprint TP on, and r looking for the work around... most techs tell you no, why do u think OP had to make up a story to get it on there, he had obviously heard theres issues with getting it on vzw, so he came up with a story for them....
glad to hear it worked OP...... did u want a 2nd line though?? if not, thats kind of a drawback