Originally Posted by mike2037
That is strange. I tried to add a Sprint TP to verizon (my second) and they told me I had to send the phone in for testing / programming. 3 weeks later they returned my phone with a not saying: Regected - not on the device portability settlement list.
Anyone with any suggestions?
If U read some thread about verizon to sprint or vice versa, U don't even have to show them Ur phone. U just give them a call. The TS said he bought an Unbranded phone from HTC. So when U think about it, he did not show verizon the phone coz if he does, they will immidiately tell him it's a sprint phone. So maybe try to call and ask. It may require U more than 1 call. U have to find nice rep that will do it for U with no problems. But the key is, "sweet talk". I always sweet talk rep by telling them that my situation is tight. Like being laid off. having a new born, stuffs like that, that will make them sympatize. Upon doing that tactic, I manage to beat SERO plans that a lot of guys have. I pay less than 30 bucks for a plan exacly the same as SERO. The advantage I have over SERO plan however, is I do not have any problems upgrading, activating or any compatibility issues on new phones. SERO plan will not activate a Palm Pre. I can, anytime, and I pay less than them.