Originally Posted by Yay 4 Juggs
hey terry when i installed your taskbar3v1.5 on my tp 2 i completely locks up the phone when trying to use the volume buttons...any idea and is there a fix?
I'm not having as bad a time but I lost the use of the one volume control feature when installing your taskbar.
I would have to delete the DLL and let windows reinstall it from ROM? Then send that to alter it?
Theres also a new battery dll that sets the 1% I'll send it to you if you would like for the Sprint TP2 CDMA
Ok here is the full Volume control for manila 2.1 works well Yayy if you want to re-install this you will get htcvolume working again but lose any custom icons
Volume Control.rar
Also here is the working 1% battery dll for the TP2 CDMA tested and working very well on the Sprint handset
TP2 Battery Percent Fix.CAB