My sprint is 48% on startup and creeps up to 49-50% and stays there. It's normally in the low 50's, like 52-54%. opening and closing oprea, it's at 51% now. when i first got the phone and was messing with it, I believe it was in the 50s most of the time.
I have pretty much every cab in the "tips and teaks" thread installed, including the faster drivers for tflo, battery drivers that are testing from xda, custom task bar, hd wallpaper and so forth.
Probably the biggest thing is tweaking opera so that it actually closes out. It runs in the background after you close it, it doesn't even show up in the taskmanager. You have to change a resgitry value to allow opera to be seen in the taskmanager, so you can close it out.
this thread post 21#