Originally Posted by webhog
I know it does not make sense but I was able to get the left softkey to work buy changing the following keys:
HomeLSKText = what text you want displayed
HomeRSKPath = the path to the program you want. ***Notice RSKPath***
I set mine to:
HomeLSKText = E-Mail
HomeRSKPath = \Windows\tmail.exe
And my left softkey now opens email??? I have not been able to change the right softkey yet.
Don't know if it will work for anyone else but give it a try!!
amazing find!!! this should be put on the tweaks sticky so people know.
i can confirm that right soft key path does in fact change the left soft key path... you still have to change left softkey text tho... but now i can map resco explorer or anything else to left soft key... really strange that it's swapped in a way. im not so concerned with right soft key because i like having contacts there. thanks again! oh and changing either path does not change the right soft key path...