Originally Posted by boredandtattooed
u mean that sprint screwed us? lol maybe their waiting for 6.5 upgrade to include it
Not really screwed us, but more like unfair to us Sprint owners. If VZW TP2 can do US-GSM carriers with an OFFICIALLY provided unlock code, where Sprint simply says no subsidy lock (maybe it's just lying so you don't even have a chance to unlock it) and locks down the US-GSM carriers, then it's just simply unfair for us.
Heck, we even paid more for the phone too.
I'm going to dig into the registries and such to find out exactly, what is blocking it.
As for official 6.5 upgrade, yeah it'll be a while before Sprint release it. Way before then the HardSPL would be out and hey, who knows, maybe it's a done deal.