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Old 09-12-2009, 04:11 PM
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Phil Canyon
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Re: Getting Dumped by Sprint

Originally Posted by whitey10tc View Post
Sprint dumped me in 2007 for the exact reason, and I was only roaming about 30% of 1 month. But I received a letter stating my 2 yr contract was being terminated for that reason. I paid my final bill switched to cricket and now I receive a collection letter for sprint every month for numerouse different amounts from different collection agencies. The funny thing is Sprint nor the collectors can provide me with any hard copy bills for the different amounts nor can they explain it to me.
We negotiated to not pay our final bill since we have to pay fees to start new service. My wife picked up the omnia last night and we will switch to the family plan when the TD2 comes out. In the meantime I will try to switch my touch to prepay on verizon.
"Initially failure is easy, but for a long time after it is more difficult."