Originally Posted by ahuskins
Hey guys, thanks for the thanks! Some notes to all:
Setting the SuspendResume Dword to "~GPRS!" worked for a while, not effecting the Tachi Dialer but ultimately it will start having a hard time answering calls. It did for me during testing.
To fix just set the SuspendResume to "#777".
Once again, the idle data connection draws no current so, everyone just set that reg to #777 and be done with it.
As for those of you who have low signal reception much of the time; The radio searching for better signal WILL increase your current draw, but it's NOT the data connection. Don't know if there is anything that can be done to reduce this but it's worth investigation.
Good morning!
Edit: On the signal strength front. Do any of you who experience this have roaming enabled? My thoughts are that if your plan has free roaming and you can get a better signal doing so, why not try it? I guess this is all you coud do if you have tried a different radio. Which for many has produced better results.
I got left out on page 1043 ..lol...