Originally Posted by ahuskins
OK folks, I think if you do some actual testing you will find that the GPRS disconnect program discussed earlier does the same thing as advanced config. Now in MANY threads on MANY ROM's there has been an incradible amount of discussion of folks unable to answer calls. This is exactly what happens using advanced config. Both programs add the following to the registry:
HKLM > Comm > ConnMgr > Planner > Settings > CacheTime - (value of minutes to disconnect in seconds)
HKLM > Comm > ConnMgr > Planner > Settings > SuspendResume - GPRS_bye_if_device_off
The addition of the last entry is what causes issues. I have tested and found that the slide to answer of the Tachi dialer will ONLY answer after multiple rings and ONLY if you continue to keep sliding after the slider is already moved to the left to answer. Sometimes this will not even allow the call to be answered. Using the hard key to answer seems to have no effect.
I don't know exactly what causes this but will continue to investigate. I do know that if you have issues with this entry, which ultimately you will, change the SuspendResume to #777. This will fix the answering issues but at the expense of your constant data connection.
Finding an answer to this conundrum will certainly allow for extended battery life.
Originally Posted by rootlinux
So the cabs do the same as Advance Config but they all cause problems?
I don't do either so I can't help other than reply others answers about this.
Maxx is good with the edits and tweaks so maybe he could shed some more light on it.
Originally Posted by rootlinux
Good deal.
Let us know if it acts up.
Check the dialer by calling out and calling into the device and see if there are any ill effects if you can.
Originally Posted by Whotahn
Actually I am one of the tachi dialer issue peeps. If I change the settings in either tweak program or advanced config I can't ansewr calls at all. If I change the reg settings I can fix dialer issue but data stays on.
Oddly enough my data is shutting down within 2 minutes tops now even while browsing the internet. Even after getting everything back to order and deleting the new cab. Im digging it though.
Deleteing the new cab wont reset the reg mod.
"HKLM > Comm > ConnMgr > Planner > Settings > SuspendResume - GPRS_bye_if_device_off"-I get this when I make the mod via TPTweak and AC and gives my Tachi fits.
But when I deleted the cab that same path says
~GPRS! (view with RegEdit) Did my 10 Call Test and NO issue!
No idea how that makes a difference. But I found the same "blame" on AC as ahuskins did but it's working for me. Threefaces has different values in his Guide for the same issue. Tried them on 811 and it was a no go, more testing to do....
EDIT: Edited my original post.