Originally Posted by SporkLover
Getting into Semantics here. Yes Google maybe the lead in the OHA. Yes they influence the group.... just like HTC, ACER, etc do. It is a consortium. Again the software is open source... they all develop it and contribute to the project. Just because they develop for the project does not mean Google controls or influences every piece.
Yes I believe that. But since Google started it, They will still have a voice on the direction the Android is heading. Not all of the members are neccesarily to be a developer. Some of them are chip makers, Manufacturers etc. If they want android to be on their device, They have to be a member first. Like what they said on wiki, there are some companies which are not members. Like AT&T.that is why AT&T doesn't have an Android handset. atleast for now. Verizon is not a member either which is why there is no Android for Verizon. But they said that Verizon have a change of heart. So meaning, They will release an Android in the near future.
the only other way to have Android on a device w/o being a member is to go to China. They don't have rules there.