Re: All potential sprint touch pro 2 buyers
Sprint doesnt care...flat out! read the threads about price matching.... sprint ALWAYS backs whatever i ask for... they told me to piss off... they wouldnt discount the 2nd TP i was ordering today(i ordered 1 on the 3rd too)...
didnt stop me from getting 200bucks in credits though either... sprint will tell you same thing most are posting-that sprint offers better rate plans and thats why... which is true...
so fill out your complaint, but honestly i dont think anyone has the right to complain except the people that ordered on day 1(the 3rd) since VZWs price was announced a few hrs after we ordered...
everyone after VZW announced their price, now has a choice to chose to go with VZW instead of sprint... yes we have a 30day return policy, but we already paid(we all know sprint takes 2bills minmum to refurd charges)... so were the ones who really got screwed IMO...
then again, ive gotten plenty out of sprint in the past and today even, so whatever, im over the price difference now
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"