Originally Posted by boredandtattooed
Sprint dominates this site hands down, i knew that poll was gonna be insanely lopsided lol.... 8/13/09 build date
so we bash the guy for bashing tmo, then we bash sprint??? kind makes any point by you, that much less effective now...
and SPrint TP1 isnt the only ones with issues, i know youve read around on here, u cant miss the threads everyday about broken stuff... ALL of the TP1s have issues, not every device, but every carriers has the same issues(heat,keyboards,usb ports, "oil slick") so lets be fair here..
like i said above, Sprint users dominate this site, that why it seems like its sprint always posting... theres just as many vzw,tmo,att people needing replacement TP1s as their are sprint... that phone just messes up in most cases... not mine really though, 4 tps and only 1 ever had issues
the point of my comments were to prove tmobile is not the only one for having a bad track record... Sorry i didnt go about it the way you wanted to but deal with it. i didnt all the sudden post sprints build quality sucks....
yes i know all phones have their problems but dont tell me sprints didnt possibly have the most issues especially via keyboard.
lets not turn this into a company/model debate, its the same damn phone is what i was sayin.... the build quality in all of em seem to be great...