Re: Official TOTAL price you paid for Pro2
I just got off the phone with Sprint. I asked them if they pricematched Verizon price on equipment, they looked on Verizons website and they immediately adjusted my phone price to $199. It was that simple! Good Luck!
$599 Sprint's full retail cost.
- $150 Discount (Added 3rd line of service to account.)
- $150 Price Adjustment Credit
- $100 Instant Rebate
= $199 + Tax
(Free Overnight Shipping & Activation Charges waived)
Why is everyone including the "I sold my TP1 for $x.xx so that makes my TP2 cost $x.xx". That has nothing to do with the cost you payed Sprint for the TP2. Unless you sold your TP1 back to Sprint.
Everything Plus 500 $59/mt - 23% corporate discount = $50 after taxes
Last edited by hondaman99; 09-12-2009 at 12:12 PM.