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Old 09-11-2009, 09:09 AM
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Re: ||SEP10.5 23047 Demolition Custom Titanium|Manila 2.1||

Originally Posted by rwcj63 View Post
i said downloaded twice. i never mentioned donating, even though i have. bike and i have conversed privately and he knows how much of a fan of his i am. it's nothing personal to him at all. what happened was that people kept pushing for a rom release and with all the school work he has, he just didn't test as much. i told him not to let us push him

I don't think this is entirely necessary but. . . .

For all to know, I really meant the last 2 lines or so of my post.

I was really just having fun.

If I were serious, I wouldn't have emoticoned my self into oblivion.

I am also too new . . . .

FTC_Osiris <-------

here to be able to really know who the flamers are and I wouldn't assume you were since you had a relatively nice post 4 posts down. I also noted that you aren't very new here.

Anyhow, I just wanted to follow up my PM so that all know that I was really joking.

Thanks again,
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