Originally Posted by phaze
I am sure if you guys wait a month or two the phone's price will drop.
I remember when I upgraded to the TP1 on Nov 1 or something like that, a month later the price was 100 lower.
All I know is that if they MAKE me change plans, I won't be getting the Tp2, but it seems like there any many people that have the tp2 on sero so it shouldn't be an issue.
I just hope the Tp2 is good OUT OF THE BOX. If it weren't for Mighty ROM and other custom ROMS here on pccgeeks, I would have return the slow Tp1 within my 30 day window because out of the box, I was not impressed with the performance.
im also looking to renew my SERO500 plan with a TP2. ive been out of contract since 10/08 so im hoping i can smooth talk the rep to match VZW pricing. in all honesty, i dont see the TP2 as much of an upgrade over the TP with the exception of the screen size and kb. another bloated phone that custom roms make bearable.