Originally Posted by heresfitz
This is true but it would be nice to see a custom with pandora, MSoffice, Mega...
I have been running 23045 ever since it was posted and this thing ROCKS....GREAT JOB....Keep up the good work....
It will happen. I just need some time to get a custom build done. I work full time and have a wife and kid and they all take priority over my ROMs
Also, the new builds take priority for me too, because I like the latest builds rather than custom builds (as was said, anyone can customize their ROM). So, I have 5 days of time off coming up, so I should be able to make a custom ROM while keeping up with any new builds that are leaked.
Also, I just got home from work (I work late), got done with dinner, and I am working on 23047 but I doubt it will be out before midnight PST. Sorry guys. I have a lot going on and I have to figure out what went wrong this morning and then fix it and rebuild. Just cross your fingers that it comes out tonight and not tomorrow night...