Originally Posted by Cicatrize
Midwest Drummer: I know what you said, but it still didn't seem like you fully understood my eligibility for some reason since you were going on about how I wasn't eligible for a discount, as if the few weeks was so important. Sprint is not bending over backwards for me by giving me my $75 discount slightly in advance. It's a nice gesture, but come on, don't give them that much credit. The $25 is also nice of them to give me as well, but you must understand something here. Verizon is selling the same exact device for $150 cheaper.
They are bending over backwards, because at this point, you're eligible for, wait for it...NOTHING! Sprint doesn't have to do squat for you.
Originally Posted by Cicatrize
That is something to complain about, isn't it? If I have a Wal-Mart ad for a Toshiba laptop that's on sale for $399, and Best Buy carries that same laptop for $499, I can bring the ad in to Best Buy and they will sell it to me at the same exact price. Why would they do that? Because they're a great company with whom I've done business with for many years now. Sprint refuses to price match on their phones, and I think it's ridiculous that I have to pay $150 more for the phone itself, regardless of what plan I'm on. If Sprint offered to simply sell it to me for $450 to make up for the price difference at Verizon, I'd be happier, but they won't, and I think that's bad business for a company this large.
No, it's not something to complain about, and this is something that I know you're aware of! You even said it yourself. Sprint isn't about cheap equipment. They're about cheap service. Verizon is the other way around. They publicly acknowledge that their service is more expensive, and they say that it's so, because they provide what they consider a premium service. Knowing this, you should understand full well why Sprint and VZW priced the TP2 the way that they did.
Originally Posted by Cicatrize
Oh, and P.S. Don't call me son. You look like you're 18 years old (if that's you in your sig).
I'll take that as I compliment. As it turns out, I just turned 24 on the 8th of September, but I've been blessed with a youthful appearance. Simmer down son.