Originally Posted by Spydr
Hey GoodThings.
First I must say thank you for the Cleanup Cab.
Still getting used to it and using TouchFlo 3D instead of Today screen.
Two questions Please.
1. What is Audio Para?(after the tweaks,volume doesn't seem to be any louder)
2. How can I change the PagePool size?
1. AudioPara is a modification to the audio volume tables. Unfortunately, I have also noticed that it's not always dependable, especially if you switch radio modes (Sprint/Roaming/Automatic/Airplane) frequently.
2. You're asking more about custom ROM building with that one which is beyond the scope of this project. You'll want to do some reading and searching in the Upgrades forum for more information on that.
Originally Posted by dearmasfamily
hi i installed the tweaks only cab and now i have a line at the bottom of my today screen. when i connect to pc a connection icon appears thier. i would like to remove that, i need all the space avaiable on my screen thanks.
That icon represents a USB-ActiveSync connection with a PC and has ALWAYS been there and cannot be disabled (that I've ever heard).