Originally Posted by mrcharliebrown
I flashed mine with the O2 plugin's, they were not on the today's plugin's list. I tried to add them to VG's RC1 build with the same un-success. Do these work with WM6? Also I didn't see weatherpanel in the kitchen. I manually put it in there and installed it and it runs fine. Any reason it was not included?
I am guessing the same reason picsel wasnt. All of the theme files need to be in a specific place, so all the files end up being duplicated by initflashes. I had a weatherpanel OEM I used to use in my rom's that didnt install any themes, and I would just copy them in myself later. They probably could have gone this route, but its obvious they went to a lot of trouble to make sure everything works and didnt want to add in an OEM that would 1) take duplicate space or 2) still require user intervention to make it work. Is that about right luv2chill?