Originally Posted by Tannerj
I will try what you suggested I appreciated it.
did you get it figured out?
Originally Posted by billblack
I am using radio 1.12.20F and GPS locks real slow (5 to 10 minutes?) The SUPL AGPS key is empty. If it is supposed to be, the Alltel carrier cab is good.
it is supposed to be empty. make sure you have the latest alltel carrier cab or you wont get agps. make sure you have the latest alltel PRI. if nothing else, flash the stock 2.01 alltel ROM. make sure your device is connected to activesync when you start flashing stock, do not flash from bootloader (it applies the PRI)
Originally Posted by stanelie2
So, I reinstalled a clean DCD 2.06, installed dcd's xt9_ime cab and my carrier cab (telus).
I still have no symbol pad on my phone.
did you install ezinput? or if you did then maybe it is there but the key is assigned to something else.
Originally Posted by ranmasaotome510
its like a file transfer protocol between bluetooth devices, i used it alot to transfer stuff from my PC to my TP
I think you are talking about BTFTP, i put a cab for that up
Originally Posted by dishe
I think we need an official post for .cabs to reinstall parts of the stock ROM people may want.
i will work on this but my little amount of time has been cut down to almost no time...
Originally Posted by dimitri
To everyone else, does anyone have the newest cab for voice command? Any help is appreciated.
MS whines anytime somebody posts this so I have not created or hosted one but they are out there
Originally Posted by BillThyCat
Any idea what the changes were? I see my carrier USCC even got some love.
everything was updated for agps and automatic areacode a little while ago and the rest is mostly reorganization
Originally Posted by pleasestirme
Go Wings!
damn straight, this year we dont have a 7 million dollar distraction who wants to sit back and watch as the team wins a cup for him, and a 3 million dollar winger whos really worth 1mil max but thinks hes worth 5mil. we got kids in GR who could put up hudler numbers blindfolded. cup number 12 june 2010.
Originally Posted by hyakku
Youtube just says, cannot play video
youtube eats lots of memory and if you have modules in slot 0 no go, im guessing you ported an OS and did not run tools\flatten65.bat
Originally Posted by Xx_xBLADEx_xX
I have Cricket as my carrier, but the problem is I can't get the Internet/MMS/Picture Mail to work. I have installed DCD Cricket Carrier cab, but its for Titan phone and not the Rapheal/Herman.
that had never been requested before, I will work on a new cricket cab when I get time, however both my ROM and carrier cab include nothing for MMS support. I have posted an uncustomized, current version of Arcsoft MMS in the software forum with the intent of someone else importing carrier settings for their carrier and distributing as an out of the box ____ carrier MMS solution. I think most of us on sprint verizon and alltel have something of this nature. If you provide me cricket mms settings I could do it myself, but short on time lately. By the way, for a first post, you sure know how to include detail and ask a clear question better than some veterans.
Originally Posted by mrnamster
Anybody else having incompatibility with the CM WiFi Internet Sharing OEM?
Mine says it's running but no other devices can connect to the network.
i think i need to stick a .reg in carrier cabs for that but i've never looked at it, again as time permits.
Originally Posted by Rourke Swift
Truth, I'm anxious for a new release too. Haven't had to flash anything in weeks and weeks, and that's just wrong... 
my goal here was to create the most bug-free base possible, once I felt like i reached that goal i took the base a little more experimental, i will not make any official update until i feel it is bug free again, and with a new GUI, thats probably not going to be soon...
Originally Posted by 2canSAM
does anyone else have the standard WM pop up flash a couple of times on an incoming call?
there is a .reg fix posted for this in mightymike's thread, or somewhere on xda "Enable Phone Skin.cab" which is the same .reg fix.
Originally Posted by Kane3162
normally i can get by using the contact list, today i needed it and this problem thats been here since 1.0* really pissed me off and screwed me up causing a terrible day for me.
thats a funny joke, because surely you cant be serious here.
its already been discussed on this thread, as well as
here, and being that its a conflict between newer WM builds and HTC's dialer, your only option is to revert to an older WM build (the cprog fix has other side effects), and I have provided a kitchen for you to do just that. since you can click on contacts and thus the functionality is completely unneeded, i'm not holding my base back at ancient WM builds over it.