So far for me, the battery life is WORSE than Touch Pro (1). And why not? The battery capacities are about the same, and TP2 has more pixels on the screen. Even in good coverage areas, I see that the idle drain rate is faster than my TP1 and Diamond. Clearly, there is a slight break in period for the battery, but I don't think it will get much better.
I have applied a few changes to the registry to see if they help:
1) Disabled the accelerometer. I don't care for the screen to automatically rotate (or auto-mute or auto-speaker phone). I use a manual app to rotate the screen. In any event, the screen rotates when I open the hardware keyboard. There are some that say that this will make no difference in battery life, but my unscientific tests have shown some savings.
HKLM/Drivers/BuiltIn/GSensor/Dll=Gsensor.dll, add a "1" in front of the file name, so that it reads "1Gsensor.dll". The driver won't load on next reboot.
-Polling int 200, you can increase this value if you don't want to disable the sensor completely.
2) This one is commonly known and used since (at least) the TP1 and Diamond days. Some people swear by it:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\BatteryPollInte rval=1388 (number is in hex, translates to 5000 in decimal)
Change it to 4E20 (20000 in decimal)
3) Again, don't know if this helps, but did it anyway:
Default: 180000
New: 1800000 (I just added a "0")
I also used Advanced Configuration Tool to enable power management for a host of interfaces/functions:
I'd like to hear your experiences, and any tips you have to increase battery life. I also use software to monitor CPU load, so I can see if there is a process using excessive cycles and thereby eating up the battery life.
Dotfred's Task Manager is one of the best. Has a lot of tools and utilities, including registry editor and a panel that works like Windows Task Manager, where it shows you CPU utilization:
If you don't use TF3D, I highly recommend Homescreen ++ UI. It can display CPU utilization, a host of task manager tools, as well as battery % on the task bar:
I am off on a business trip for a few days. I hope this post turns into a useful battery-saving thread. Cheers.
Someone please try this registry change and report back. It is not power related, but I am curious if it works on TP2.
Background: With the HTC text input (phone pad, compact qwerty and qwerty) on Diamond and TP1, I didn't like how long I had to "press and hold" to get the special character or number to show up.
On Diamond and TP1, I found that by changing this value: HKLM\Software\Tegic\eT9\PressAndHoldTimer to a lower value reduces the press and hold time. I was using 250 (ms, I presume).
The TP2 has no such entry. I added the DWORD value, and I am now using 25. I am not sure if it makes a difference. I am curious about your experience.
I also found on the TP2, under HKLM\System\IME\SymbolSelector\SYMSelectorTerminat eTimeout. The current value is 60000. I wonder what this value governs. I will try changing this later..