Originally Posted by mattsm
I went through this if you use anything other than stock it will give problems. I have not had time to work on this part, but I am sure there is a way to customize the stock shellres. I am just using the stock and all is working fine. I went from a custom shellres to the stock to fix this for now.
This is probably because you used a customized icon pack of some sort. MS has been making lots of changes to the resource dll's. I have been having loads of fun (notice the sarcasm) in keeping my tsowen customized icon dll's up to date for the new builds.
If you interested in doing that, you just need a resource editor like Restorator 2007, Recmod the dll's in question, extract your resource (i.e. icon,bmp, or whatever) and import into the new dll, or Vice-Versa, then reversemode the dll when done. It's a pain...