Not sure if this belongs in this thread or not, but it sounds kinda related...
I downloaded TCPMP for my 6700 when I was running WM5 and it worked fairly well on sites like google video and youtube.. my only complaint was that only the first few videos in a search (or even on the main page) would show up, scrolling down they'd just be empty boxes and no preview thumbnail. About 50% of the time, I'd find a video that would play and not return an error stating that the video is not a valid link. I guess I was ok with this setup because it's a hell of a lot better than what I've got now as far as video is concerned...
I'd like to add here that I am in love with Helmi_C's WM6! It's awesome! Payday I'm visiting PayPal.
So the problem now is, I can't even load the YouTube main page... it loads to about 90% and then locks up the phone, and I have to soft reset. Any ideas what might be causing this? I'm not sure what info you need from me, so ask and I'll get it.
Thanks in advance!