Originally Posted by mwalt2
Did it run smooth before installing the panoramic mod? The mod only adds a small .luac script for the background scrolling, the 6 manila files for the backgrounds, and modifies several manila2.1 files.
It's probably laggy because of installing manila2.1 over the old manila mightymike used. There's over 1,000 manila files alone in manila2.1 (not counting the other packages that are included in the cabs), and it may be not every single old file gets overwritten with a new one. IMO, you'd probably be better finding an updated rom with no manila or manila 2.1 already cooked in.
If you only want this mod for old manila (and none of the other manila2.1 features), I can try to change the old manila files to give the same panoramic effect. You'd probably have to be a guinea pig and test it for me since I don't have any old manila packages in my kitchen to cook in. Just let me know if you would like it and also post your 5c9aa261_manila file so I can use the one compatible with the manila mightymike used.
Thanks bro, but honestly i want the manilla 2. I dont care if its 2.0 .1 or .5. But i would like to stay on mightys. I just want it all to work. I tried just doing a standard tf3d2 theme, and it killed it like i had the touchflo on during the installation(which i didnt). It runs very smooth until i theme it. The panoramic works but its just laggy. I was going for custom icons with the panoramic clock and mods, on top of the manilla 2.1 install. I guess my question is why are the touchflo2 themes Ive been using for months, not working on the manual install of the gen Y manilla tf3d2? I thought it was this panoramic killing it. Doesnt look like it now. I just dont want a stock look. Im just wondering if theres a combination of with mods or without mods, or the version of the manilla install for that matter, that would all coincide.
EDIT** I dont know how i got it to work the first time, but now it wont even work. Im gettin the landscape and portrait background blurred together and no clock. I used the 2a version yesterday, and im using the 2b file today. Figured it didnt matter. I dont know if its the version thats killing it or what. Unfortunately , I already deleted the 2a file. Ive tried all three. with mods, no compact home, nothing is working.