Originally Posted by gTen
Well first you should install the Stealth mode cab in the tweaks sticky.
Then as for choices to share, there is using ICS or there are other tools such as:
And one more but forgot its name(but its annoying to config, it was made on XDA)
I have used wmwifirouter before but since I got a new TP2 I'm trying the HTC WIFI ROUTER which I think was token off the Topaz, so far it seems the easiest to configure and does not require ICS.
HTCs wifi app is slower than wmwifirouter in my experience testing them all... and it probably does use ICS, even wmwifirouter uses it-might be because it has a wifi to usb option though...that option alone is worth 30bucks.. some people still dont have routers(me included) on their PC, this way you still have the wifi signal, but can use it without a router needed...
theres links in my sig for all the usually Tethering apps... no reason why they wont work on TP2... wmwifi, ics, and htc app have all been tested on my TP2 and work