Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 6th | Manila 2.
Well with 0905 my GPS now needs priming to work under tomtom. It didnt before... I guess I'll try to backup, flash stock, HR, flash ER, HR, Restore...
EDIT: WOW page 1000!!!
EDIT2: Well didnt work. I still need to prime the GPS (using HTC GPS Tool) in order to use Tomtom... ah well
Some Samsung fold phone > Treo 600 > Treo 650 > Treo 700p > Treo 755p > HTC Touch Pro > HTC EVO
ROM: DamageControl 3.1.2
Radio: Stock +upgrade (for now)
Last edited by fenixjn; 09-09-2009 at 10:01 PM.