Re: Time zone problems
I have just noticed problems with my phone and the time zones. And . . yes, I am using samsung world clock and the standard rom cf03.
I just traveled from MDT zone to PDT last week. When I did that, I noticed that it changed my appts to an hour ealier than they were supposed to be. IE: an appt that was set for 3:45 time, got set to 2:45 instead. This was an appt for a plane and so the time was supposed to be the local time.
Then upon return home, the phone updated the time updated and I thought all was well, however had a problem with the clock. I had set an alarm last night to ring at 6 a.m., and at 6:30 wondered what had happened. The clock said it was 5:30 and the alarm was set to 8:00. I had checked the alarm just before going to bed last night.
I used to have this trouble with time zones with WinMo 4.5 (I think it was). It was on a pda only and it was troublesome at times.
Any suggestions?????