Official Touch Pro 2 defects thread
Ok.. as much as I dont like the fact that HTC still refused to get the drivers.. I might get this phone if I get it really cheap. But I have seen many threads pop up describing problems with it. So for the sakes of collecting data... lets put the official comfirmed flaws in here so people can see. We all remember the dreaded white spot and its sibling on the Mogul right?
If you can suggest more comfirmed issues please post and I will update the list. And this is in no way to start a flame war but rather to inform future buyers.
1= (Sprint) Dead Pixels on LCD
2= (Sprint) Odd color Halo in the screen right above the USB port
3= (Sprint) Keyboard slides and tears the plastic stickers that protects it from scratching the device
4= (Sprint) Screen Tilt Woobles
5 = (Telus Users) Battery Door Bulges Out At Sides
6 = (Telus Users) Spacebar makes clicking noise (result of bulges on battery door)
7 = (Telus & Sprint) Earphone speaker buzzing
8= (Telus, Sprint, Tmobile & Verizon) Missing 3d/2d Proper Drivers
Last edited by Exil3d; 09-09-2009 at 11:07 PM.