Well, been an interesting week. Had a tiff with a moderator. Car battery died. Re-imaged my PC (32-bit Vista this time rather than 64-bit). And my radio died on my phone and am waiting on a replacement.
Rob, looks like you're continuing to do some awesome work. I think I'll try out your build 6 (or build 7) and a custom one using the new kitchen when I get my new (refurb) phone. I may switch over to using the kitchen, but I still feel like what you do is important. I know I've been flashing ROMs on my phones for months and this is the first time I've felt brave enough to try to cook my own (and I may decide never to do so again once I've flashed it!), so keep up the good work!
In theory, there's no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.