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Old 09-08-2009, 09:03 PM
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Re: ||AUG 31 23037 Demolition Custom Titanium|Manila 2.1||

wrangler, Verizon seems to be different. its just the Center ok button hold it and hit reset with stylus. took me a while when I first got my TP as I was trying the way you said and it diddnt werk. Oh well.

Bike, this is gonna be a lite ROM right? or am I still waiting for that? the last ROM you sent me kept my TP at 70% at idle and using Opera or Kinoma seemed to raise it above 85% pretty quickly. got the dreaded out of memory message a number of times and went back to DCD's ROM. also whats up with the taunting of a kitchen a few posts back? that would be GREAT!! that way I could add or remove things as I wanted. I basically use just the bare minimum that the phone needs, and then I have a couple progs I add... Mainly Opera and Kinoma Play. a Kitchen would be great as I could really play witht he ROM and make mine, but with your tweaks.
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