Originally Posted by Twizmanny
I'm having a hard time figuring out how to set up my Mogul as seen on YouTube with the Touchflo. Is it me or is the instructions listed a little confusing? Please Help! I installed the Flashlite 2.1 and then what do I download from there??
i followed these exact steps and it works flawlessly (on a phone that i consider to be running like crap i might add)
1. download and install flash lite 2.1
2. download ftouchflo and the cube (i downloaded them seperately)
3. extract the cube zip file to Program Files\SCLPF (extact all files to "Program Files, it will automatically make the SCLPF folder and extract the files to there)
4. install ftouchflo
5. copy the ftouchflowconfig.txt file from Program Files\SCLPF to Program Files\FTouchFlo
6. check the FTouchFloConfig.txt file and make sure that in the line <DownUpAppCmdLine:"Program Files\SCLPF\Version x-xx.swf"> the version.swf filename matches what is in the Program Files\SCLPF folder
7. copy the 4 folders (Contact Links, Contact Pics, Music Links, Main Menu Links) in the SCLPF folder to your computer
8. edit the link files as per my previous post
9. edit the contact pictures to correspond with the contact links you just edited
10. open file explorer, goto "Program Files\FtouchFlo" and copy the "FTouchFlo.exe" file. then goto the "Windows\Startup" folder and paste a shortcut of "FTouchFlo.exe" in there - MAKE SURE YOU "PASTE SHORTCUT" AND NOT JUST PASTE... THE CUBE WILL NOT WORK IF ITS NOT A SHORTCUT
11. soft reset
12. enjoy touchflo and a working cube!