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Old 09-08-2009, 04:22 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 6th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by cmajewsk View Post
I am coming off of Decks 8/23* *SsS-0300-B6* *BETA* ROM which is using the 23017 build by MS I believe. He has My Location within Google Maps working, along with the HTC Wifi Router within the Comm Manager. I installed the cab file off XDA but it is not appearing in the Comm Manager, and the actual executable does nothing when clicked on. Also, when hitting the "My Location" button on Google Maps it does nothing and neither does hitting the zero key.

Also on the clock I see a few lines right above the line where the numbers fold and the PM indicator is blurry...where these graphical issues already addressed? I do love this clock.

I was a little confused at first when you posted this, regarding the Google Maps junks. I was under the impression that you needed to select the option to "Use GPS" in order for My Location to work. If that option isn't selected, then I don't know how the feature would work. If I open Google Maps now [I'm on 9/6], it will sit there. If I enable GPS, it finds me in about a minute or less.

...seems to be working fine.

I can also toggle WiFi on and off in the Comm Manager. ...and it picks up available networks. Seems fine as well.

What cabs are you referencing?

[Sorry if I'm completely misunderstanding you ]

I don't have anything for that clock, sorry.

Last edited by ThreeFaces; 09-08-2009 at 04:25 PM.
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