Originally Posted by boredandtattooed
did u read these: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...ighlight=Omnia and http://pocketnow.com/news-archive/to...ntory-database
once we had info like this on sprint our TP2 was around the corner now its here... those pics are from like ASug 28th, and low and behold VZWs TP2 is here friday... might wanna hold onto your pocket book, since VZWs launch rumor pics seem to be holding true... you have no date, but the TP2 launches 2 weeks from the date those pics went up... Omnia II could be next week or the week after... never know... omnia IIs specs blow tp2 out! hate to see ya take your 2nd choice and it come out right after is all
The fact of the matter is that Verizon still hasn't said a peep about the Omnia II in almost three months, nothing. There were a few times we thought it was right around the corner because of this or that, and I see WM6.5 as the next date to cling to even though there is no evidence suggesting Oct. 6th.
The TP2 is my second choice, but it's not by that great of a shot. I liked the Omnia II's processor and screen, as well as sleek design, but the TP's keyboard, global capabilities and the user base it will no doubt develop rapidly are also fine points. So we'll see, but if there's still no word come friday on the Omnia II, I'll be down at the Verizon store getting my TP2.