Re: |VICT|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** || Built Sep 6 ||Manila 2.1!
Originally Posted by rileyd5
are you referring to the letter preview popup? if so, yes I have noticed this as well. NRG is not happy with this keyboard and intends on changing it. he is trying out a few different ones now to figure out which one will work best. Hopefully this will be solved soon. Additionally, changing the keyboard should also fix random freezes...that is let's hope.
Thanks rileyd5! That's exactly what I was talking about.
My phone soft-reset on its own today, don't know what that means, but it hasn't done it again yet. Battery was at 30% at the time.
Phones, Past to Present: HTC Wizard, AT&T Samsung Blackjack, HTC Touch Diamond, HTC Evo 4G