Originally Posted by rmel77
Very nice NRG!
Does anyone know what was the previous Opera version used on 8/11 version? I can't logon on to my work email web site. example, www.mymail.company.com. I was able to do this on previous version.
Thanks in advance!
Just was wondering if anyone can help me out. I'm trying to log onto my work email via work website. I can usually go to
www.mymail.company.com on Opera. I get an error:
Messageware NavGaurd
A secruity policy from this Outlook Web Access website has blocked your web browser. To access this web site please do one of the following:
-Check for updates for your web browser
-Use a different web browser
I was able to connect with the previous August version of this rom. Any suggestions or recommendation on how to get this to work again on Opera?
Thanks in advance!