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Old 09-07-2009, 10:33 AM
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will Samsung make Omnia ROM as 6.5 or 7?

I am just curcious is anyone knows anything about said topic. I would assume they would just say screw it and do it for the Omnia 2 but not for the Omnia even though our Omnia would greatly benefit from the advancement.

Don't get me wrong. The Kitchen cookups are nice but they are always seeming to lack stuff in them which is why i keep going back to the Samsung Verizon.
I mean, if i am wrong, please tell me and i will correct myself here on this.
But for a 6.5 or 7. I still need these Functions.
Opera browser or a nice usable browser like Opera, no that old IE
great camera functionality
Live Search Maps (i use an older one because the newer version don't seem to load maps quickly)
Picture Browser with Editing Software
MS Office with the Word, Excel, and PDF viewer, i do use the Viewer.
I like having the more precise battery driver, or closer to it.
My Visual Voicemail
my Mobile IM
I don't use Smart Reader but still would like to have it. I know it barely works right.
Windows Live for Email (and if there is anyone to crack it so i can have 2 hotmail accounts on my phone, i would LOVE that)
a WifiRouter built into hte Room that actually works flawlessly. I mean, WifiRouter, i keep having ot turn it on and off all the time and never getting it to work right half the time.
And at least the Internet Sharing stuff built in and setup and working.
MyPhone, yes definately
You can throw in Google Maps too, and if could already be setup for the GPS stuff, same with Live Maps.
I will need something for my Photos though,
The Smart converter leave in.
Want to get Remote Desktop to work and like tha tto stay
Maybe a nicer Media player, the touch player is ok but its too weird and slow for me.
I care less about VZ Nav.
The TXT message Retry. I need that to stay. Unless 6.5 / 7 have it built in where it auto retries for you and then you don't have to worry about it. Yes, Message Retry it annoying and it could work SOOO much better. So unless you have something that work even better and is all automattic where it won't annoy the hell out of me, then yes,
And maybe more games.

Now, i am trying to think of improvements of other Apps to add but off hand, i am not familiar with too many other apps. Yes, i use YouTube, Netflix, and MS Tag Reader on my phone but those are easy to install on my own. Not to mention the updates for Visual VM.
But i am always looking for a better keyboard that is more accurate, easy to type on and know what the hell i am typing and not screwing up. Because the Keyboard on he updates have a bug where if i type too fast in XT9, it will change the first letter of the word and screw things up.

I know this sounds like a complaining list but i want things to work better. I know this is Samsung's attempt at an iPhone and there are things that iPhone can do better. Omnia can do bluetooth things SOOO much better though. but iPhone has the apps.

I want something that is better and can make my life easier, especially since i am on hte road a lot.