Re: Black Dragon Titanium Rom 23409 is up! (09/04/09) {UC}
first off, i didnt have any problems with Youtube so i didnt do any of the hotfixes..
I like the way your using dredsensor (I think this is what your using) to do the button presses. One thing that would be OUT OF THIS WORLD cool, but i dont think it's possible. While your in the camera app, to be able to toggle the light on/off. When I tried it I get an error message from the camera app and light does not go on but it does stay in the camera app.
Another design question, in the groove rom it's using a smaller font so you can get more entries on the titanium home, so you have 6 or 7 that one day more. just point in the direction and i will do it.
Finally, I noticed the scroll wheel doesnt allow you to change the font size in email like earlier versions.
Overall, A+ and im going to stick with this for work this week and see what happens.. I'm also going to install AEPLus and hope it doesnt screw up any of hte hard key mappings, but i like a few more shortcuts..
History-Kyo 6035/Kyo 7135/Treo600/Treo650/Treo700p > HTC Touch Pro