Originally Posted by NRGZ28
Hell yeah it's worth it. I slaved over it for over an hour.. you guys better update!! LOL jk
Well I don't use Slide2Shutdown.
I use ShutXP and it works great for me.
My Opera autorotate seems fine so far.
I use panoramic wallpaper mod so the wallpaper thing isn't an issue.
My fav tab seems fine as well.
All my fav contacts have pics with 9/5
I use Panoramic Launchpad so the start menu won't change for me.
My slider is also centered and perfect on 9/5.
PTT= Push to Talk? Don't have a use for it.
So to me your 9/5 release seems PERFECT.
Will probably update anyway my friend.
See if you could have made the perfect rom any more perfect.
Great job!