Originally Posted by thecheet
On your SD card (2GB or less) more the .nbh file over to the sd card. Rename file to VOGUIMG usually the fill is named RUU_Signed or something similar. Insert card to Vogue, enter bootloader, follow instructions on screen.
Originally Posted by whitey10tc
If you can find this file
RUU_signed.nbh this is the one you need to rename for SD installation.
Also if you can find the ROMUpdateUtility in the file you can flash the ROM using the USB.
Also what carrier are you flashing too.
ok i found the romupdateutility in the RUU folder in the custom rom...when i open it and try to flash the rom i get error [240] saying update utility can not open the requested file check you update utility
i have a sprint htc vogue i am just trying to flash a custome rom so i can get web n mms ..i cant delete the htc_cm_guardian