Originally Posted by stevedusa
However the phone says, SIM Unlocked. So I'd assume more research is needed. Or wait for the unlockers.
Given the comment above, and coming from a "SIM locked" TP2 myself, I'm not sure if you can apply the same lock code I purchased or not??? This thread covered this for us Telus (CDMA) users who were looking to unlock the Telus locked GSM portion of our phones:
and specifically this post in that thread is what I used to purchase my unlock code...
I'm now able to use any SIM card, North American or otherwise, to roam onto that carriers GSM network.
Originally Posted by Gulanowski
...and what action would verizon take when they'd see us roaming on GSM in the U.S.?
I don't think Verizon would know that you're roaming on another carriers network. Presumably at that point in time you've got somebody else's SIM in your phone and therefore not on the Verizon network. Therefore technicaly you're not roaming on the other carriers network...you're just on it with their SIM card...and therefore one of their users e.g. AT&T or T-Mobile.