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Old 09-06-2009, 11:31 AM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 charging issues?

Originally Posted by pbeaul View Post
I've noticed that the TP2 doesn't like being charged from the computer when the battery is really low... I've had it turn off a few times even though it was plugged (and pretty sure it said it was charging) in to my computer.

Not sure how much juice the mini USB provides (when plugged in to a computer) but it doesn't appear to be enough when the device in low on power. A side from that minor issue I haven't had any charging problems.
I have noticed that once my computer goes into deep standby my TP2 stops charging, however if you plug in the usb when the computer is in standby my TP2 recognizes this (its asks activesync vs usb drive) but still will not charge.
My TP1 always charged despite the computer going into deep standby- have the charging requirements changed? i.e does the TP2 have higher ma requirements?
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