Alright, I've read through about half of this thread and am pretty impressed with the work done, but I'm hoping for something a little bit different. I actually liked MS2 better than MS3, but there's just enough about MS3 that I don't want to give up, and I know MS2 isn't getting any more support (especially for newer devices like the TP2). Unfortunately, I've tried my hand at MS skinning and just end up making things worse, so I'll stick to what I'm good at and ask for some help from the experts!
So, here's what I'm looking for, and if anyone is feeling a bit creative, perhaps you can take a stab at it and post the results:
- Remove the Carousel button. I never use this function, don't like it, and it's just in the road, so I'd like to just remove the button for it. I realize it may mean removing the "back" button as well, however, I usually just use the X button anyway, so no big deal to me.
- Remove the "Recent" programs list on the Quick Launch menu. I'm OK with just pinning things if I feel the need.
- Remove the classic "Programs" menu (Organizer, Internet, etc) completely.
- If possible, I'd like it so the Contacts Keyboard is hidden by default instead of shown. Better yet, remove it completely, because I don't mind scrolling through.
- If possible, remove access to the "Lifestyle" screen. I prefer the Professional screen.
Of course, I would hope that since this is more of a mod of the default skin that it won't have much impact on its compatibility with multiple resolutions (QVGA, VGA, WVGA, etc).
I know, some of you will read this and think, WTF is this guy smoking?! Truth is, I use my phone for work, not pleasure, and I just want it to be simple and professional, and I have no need for all the fluff that MS3 offers.
For a working solution that I pick, there's a PayPal donation with your name on it!