Originally Posted by raidzero
FYI, the easiest way to change it is to make a cab with the files in it, set them to go to \windows\ and they'll overwrite the existing ones. other than that maybe ottal commander and a soft reset
Yeah I went into total commander and used those files someone did that were posted on the previous page. Copied and replaced those files then did a soft reset. No change though
Originally Posted by boredandtattooed
is that Silence? the folder icons look familiar lol
great rom..very stable.... noticed u dont have the start menu cab with the extra rows... u know about that right?? itlll make your icons a little smaller too...youll see more b4 having to scoll down...
maybe u just havent instaslled yet, u did say u just flashed... anyways, its here regardless..this is the 4 row one... there 5 and 6 even... those come from the reStart/titanium weater thread at xda..
Yeah that's Silence. I flashed bak to the official ROM just to use as a demonstration for what I wanted. That's probably the startmnu cab i posted :P