Originally Posted by christian.a
Really?! That's the one I usually use without any problems but thought to continue trying other radios. I just came back from Maui and used VZW 1.03.09v during vacation. Overall, I liked the signal reception, had data most of the time and gps worked fine. However, the phone gets too hot when i used gps or made a phone call over 5 minutes. Battery life was definitely shorter with VZW radio. Iwill take into consideration that i was on an island and will continue to use for another weak and will post results.
Well up in Stafford/Fredericksburg I found that the VZW radio had the best reception but worst battery life. This was before the new Sprint radio came out. I made a detailed post about it a few pages back.
Now I'm back at UVA in Charlottesville and have been testing radios again. I have the 3000mAh extended battery. With the Telus radio, I'm down to about 60% after a full 12 hour day (meaning I could probably make it through the day on a standard battery). With the VZW radio, I'm down to about 40-50% - that's right on the edge. With the Sprint radio, I'm getting the low battery indicator by the end of the day.
Although I do believe the Sprint radio gets the best reception here. I guess better reception might just require the use of more battery power. Still testing, though.