Originally Posted by shaolinsoldier79
I lave one other question. (for now lol) The lock function, (slide to unlock) that comes with the rom. is there a way to access setings, so that i can have it come on automaticly like when backlight goes of or when i power on device i dont see these settings anywhere, I'd like to use this rather than S2U2 since its already there.
I take it you're talking about the Windows Mobile 6.5 slide lock? You can access its settings by going to Start > Settings > Lock.
You can set up how many minutes before its locked and the password to get into it (a password is required for Windows S2U).
I don't know if its still a problem but there were lots of complaints that the Windows S2U gets in the way of Tachi Dialer, making it impossible to answer a call. If you really want to use S2U you might have to remove Tachi Dialer and go to the windows stock dialer. I really don't know if its been fixed yet so its all just an assumption on my part. But that's why there was originally and still is a version of EnergyROM 1 with Tachi Dialer and one that just uses the stock Windows Mobile dialer.