FWIW this is the email exchange I had with Sprint:
Me: I bought a new Mogul in early August and I am VERY unhappy with its performance, especially Bluetooth, and lack of updates to fix known problems. Would it be possible to swap this phone for another model? I want to keep a PDA phone but I wish now that I had kept my PPC 6700, which worked fine. Instead, I paid $500 for a phone that doesn't work nearly as well. I make 90% of my calls on Bluetooth and this phone is not acceptable.
Sprint: Thank you for contacting Sprint. I apologize for the inconvenience caused regarding the Mogul phone. On reviewing the account I noticed that you have purchased UTSTAR PPC6800 phone as of August 03, 2007. As you are our valuable customer I have gone ahead and discussed the concern with my supervisor. I am glad to inform you that you can change this handset with other handset you wish to purchase. Considering you long time loyal customer, I can order the handset from here. Please write back to me with the particular option. Thank you again for emailing us, it was a pleasure assisting you. Please feel free to write back if you have any further questions. I will be more than happy to assist you.
Me: Thank you very much for the prompt response. In purchasing another phone will I receive credit for the amount paid on the Mogul?
Sprint: Thank you for replying back. I will be happy to assist you regarding the price of the new handset. Suppose, if you buy the handset of $600.00 the account will be charged for this amount and when you send the return kit of Mogul phone, the price of Mogul phone will be credited on the account. Thank you for emailing us. We appreciate your relationship with us, and look forward to serving you in the future.
So I am getting a Touch to replace the Mogul and should be owed a refund of $50. I am not certain why my request was approved so easily. However, I suspect it is in large part due to the status of my account with Sprint, as someone else indicated above and as indicated in the intial response from Sprint to me; i.e., I have been with Sprint for more than 10 years and have an established line of credit with no history of complaints.